# Introduction
Welcome to H4C's v1 API! This is a general documentation for H4C public API.
H4C provides remote REST APIs over HTTP, making it easy to manage your products and build third-party applications.
This document is a complete reference guide to using H4C's v1 API.
Endpoint: https://host4coins.net/api/v1/
All connections to host4coins.net/api must be issued over HTTPS.
H4C's API does not maintain sessions. In other words, a request does not depend on previous requests, only its arguments. It only provides object descriptions.
The API supports the following response codes:
- 200 - OK,
- 201 - Created,
- 202 - Accepted,
- 204 - Deleted,
- 400 - Bad request,
- 401 - Unauthorized,
- 402 - Payment required (not enough balance),
- 403 - Forbidden,
- 404 - Not found (out of stock),
- 409 - Conflict,
- 500 - Internal server error.
# Authentication
Every request to H4C's API requires authentication. This is why all our routes require a unique H4C API Key in its headers. If you don't have one yet, you can generate your production API key from the API Key section in settings (opens new window). It consists of public (apipublic) and private (apiprivate) parts, both are required during authentication. Once generated the private part of the API key is only shown to you once and you have to copy it some place safe. Note that every request described below requires the following headers.
- apipublic
- apiprivate
# General
# Get list of provided services and domains
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/catalog
URI Parameters:
- (optional) type - string. Can be "service", "domain", "all".
- 200 Body application/json object
"catalog": {
"services": [
"id": "1",
"family": "VPS_S",
"name": "VPS - Small",
"description": "0.5 vCPU - 0.5 GB RAM - 16 GB Storage",
"price": "8",
"currency": "USD",
"period": "M"
"domains": [
"id": "10",
"family": "DOM_UK",
"name": ".uk",
"description": "Domain name .uk for a year",
"price": "8",
"currency": "USD",
"period": "Y"
"rates": [
"currency": _currency_,
"rate": {
"rate": _rate_,
"date": _last_update_date_
"total_count": _N_
# Check your balance
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/balance
- 200 Body application/json object
"balance": _balance_
# Get currencies rates
The rates are updated once an hour from kraken (opens new window). Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/rate
- 200 Body application/json object
"rates": [
"currency": _currency_,
"rate": {
"rate": _rate_,
"date": _last_update_rate_
# Get list of your invoices
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/invoices
- 200 Body application/json object
"invoices": [
"btcpay_id": _btcpay_id_,
"date": _date_time_,
"amount": _amount_sats_,
"btcpay_status": _new/confirmed/complete/expired_
"total_count": _N_
# See your activity
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/activity
- 200 Body application/json object
"activity": [
"date": _date_time_,
"reason": _added account balance/bought a new service/renewed a service/withdrawn money/refund_,
"amount": _amount_sats_,
"method": _balance/lightning/onchain_
"total_count": _N_
# Services
# Buy a new service
Request: POST https://host4coins.net/api/v1/service
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- catalog_id - number, the id of the service from the catalog, run Get list of provided services to see and choose one,
- operating_system - number, the id of the operating system run Get list of OS to see the available IDs,
- ssh_key - string, the name of your SSH key, run Get SSH keys to see the available names.
For example:
"catalog_id": "2",
"operating_system": "1",
"ssh_key": "ssh1"
- 201 Body application/json object
"id": _created_id_
You might want to see the details about your new service.
# Get list of operating systems
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/operating_systems
- 200 Body application/json object
"operating_systems": {
"1": "Debian 10",
"2": "Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS",
"total_count": _N_
# Get list of SSH keys
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/ssh_keys
- 200 Body application/json object
"ssh_keys": [
"name": _ssh_key_name_,
"value": _ssh_key_value_
"total_count": _N_
# Add a new SSH key
Request: POST https://host4coins.net/api/v1/ssh_key
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- name - string, a unique name of your SSH key,
- value - the value of your SSH key - your public SSH key, which is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and begins with 'ssh-ed25519' or 'ssh-rsa'. Don't use your private SSH key. See more detailed guide here.
For example:
"name": "my_new_key",
"value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0Ask6mHIVgCbFrcvjC9gzAwN6a3xn1/xySIgFSiX+Z+5iZMe+e7o/mLFkoROUDmpRgaq17HMSpoYXmle3hC8REeVG+16Oa/rnGGhhGgaX86GAKwC+l3aijf26feGrz3OvPuC4AGzuPkPlo2V6iKIoOKg8lexvbNLoV/sjrwhkhjmfPUdaBjP4KpKwBUMkz65KBX1ahDikPeLZNqsqsQJ59q8oMTfYoRyXLHSP/EHpD5tdhH5DhC3TJsfrANtGTmP/IMXZScmdy+mkAf/FgIlEkVHCQjvyS4OY1YALQ2W//88IDcvV/tjsI0aTPa/7atTvTGxorrJjkzTBIxNBj9nH"
You might want to check your new ssh key.
# Get details about an ssh key
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/ssh_key/{ssh_key_name}
- 200 Body application/json object
"ssh_key": {
"name": _ssh_key_name_,
"key": _ssh_key_name_,
"used_in_services": [hostname family,...] or "Not used in services"
# Delete an SSH key
Request: DELETE https://host4coins.net/api/v1/ssh_key/{ssh_key_name}
# Get the list of your services
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/services
URI Parameters:
- status - string. Can be "pending" or "P", "running" or "R", "installing" or "I", "expired" or "E" (case insensitive).
- renew - string. Can be "possible" or "impossible" (case insensitive).
- 200 Body application/json object
"services": [
"id": _service_id_,
"family": _service_family_,
"description": _description_,
"start_dt": _start_date_,
"end_dt": _expiration_date_,
"status": _service_status_,
"operating_system": _operating_system_,
"ssh_key": _ssh_key_name_,
"host_name": _host_name_,
"ipv4": _ipv4_,
"ipv6": _ipv6_,
"autorenew": _yes_or_no_
"total_count": _N_
# Get service details
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/service/{service_id}
- 200 Body application/json object
"service_details": {
"id": _service_id_,
"family": _service_family_,
"description": _description_,
"start_dt": _start_date_,
"end_dt": _expiration_date_,
"status": _service_status_,
"operating_system": _operating_system_,
"ssh_key": _ssh_key_name_,
"host_name": _host_name_,
"ipv4": _ipv4_,
"ipv6": _ipv6_,
"autorenew": _yes_or_no_
"renew_options": "None" or [
"id": _service_id_from_catalog_,
"name": _service_name_,
"description": _description_,
"price": _price_,
"currency": _currency_,
"period": _month_or_year_
"autorenew": _possible_or_impossible_
# Renew a service
Note that it is only possible to renew running or some expired services. Request: POST https://host4coins.net/api/v1/service/{service_id}/{renew_id}
- {service_id} - the id of the service to renew,
- {renew_id} - the id from the catalog, see the possible values in "renew options" of the service details.
# Change the autorenew parameter of a service
It's only possible to set a running service for autorenew. If autorenew is enabled your service will be autorenewed from balance the moment it expires. If not enough of balance your service will expire. Request: PATCH https://host4coins.net/api/v1/service/{service_id}
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- autorenew - string. Can be 'y'/"yes" or 'n'/"no" (case insensitive).
# Change the SSH key of a service
It's only possible to change an SSH key for pending services or some running or expired services. If it's a pending service the SSH key will be changed immediatelly, otherwise a task will be created (or updated if already existed) for that purpose. Note that changing SSH key will reboot your server. Request: PATCH https://host4coins.net/api/v1/service/{service_id}
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- ssh_key - string. Has to be a name of a valid SSH key that you already provided before.
# Get list of tasks
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/tasks
URI Parameters:
- (optional) status - string. Can be "pending", "doing", "done", "cancelled", "failed", "all".
- 200 Body application/json object
"tasks": [
"service_id": _service_id_,
"service_family": _service_family_,
"service_description": _service_description_,
"host_name": _host_name_,
"action": _action_,
"status_extended": _extended_status_,
"status": _status_,
"dt_pending": _date_
"total_count": _N_
# Domains
# Check whether a domain name is available
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- catalog_id - number, domain id in the catalog, corresponds to a TLD, run catalog with the param type='domain' to see the TLDs we propose and their IDs,
- domain_name - string, domain name - the part which goes before the period. For example:
"catalog_id": "6",
"domain_name": "qpwoerty",
- 200 Body application/json object
"domain_details": {
"id": _domain_id_,
"family": _family_,
"name": _tld_,
"description": _description_,
"price": _price_,
"currency": _currency_,
"period": _year_or_other_
"domain _{your_domain_name}_ availability": _available/unavailable/invalid_
# Buy a domain name
Request: POST https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- catalog_id - number, domain id in the catalog, corresponds to a TLD, run catalog with the param type='domain' to see the TLDs we propose and their IDs,
- domain_name - string, domain name - the part which goes before the period,
- owner - number, id of a contact entity which will be the domain owner, run contacts to see the list of your domain contacts, create a new domain contact if you don't have any.
- admin - number, id of a contact entity which will be the domain administrator,
- tech - number, id of a contact entity which will be the domain technical support,
- billing - number, id of the domain's billing contact entity. For example:
"catalog_id": "6",
"domain_name": "qpwoerty",
"owner": "1"
- 200 Body application/json object
# Get list of your domain contacts
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/contacts
- 200 Body application/json object
"contacts": [
"id": _contact_id_,
"given": _given_name_,
"family": _family_name_,
"orgname": _company_name_,
"email": _email_,
"country": _country_code_,
"city": _city_,
"zip": _zip_code_,
"streetaddr": _street_address_,
"phone": _phone_number_,
"type": _person/company/association/public_body/reseller_,
"brand_number": _brand_number_,
"fax": _fax_,
"mobile": _mobile_,
"siren": _siren_,
"state": _state_
"total_count": _N_
# Get domain contact details
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/contact/{contact_id}
- 200 Body application/json object
"contact": {
"id": _contact_id_,
"contact": {
"given": _given_name_,
"family": _family_name_,
"orgname": _company_name_,
"email": _email_,
"country": _country_code_,
"city": _city_,
"zip": _zip_code_,
"streetaddr": _street_address_,
"phone": _phone_number_,
"type": _person/company/association/public_body/reseller_,
"brand_number": _brand_number_,
"fax": _fax_,
"mobile": _mobile_,
"siren": _siren_,
"state": _state_
# Create a new domain contact
Request: POST https://host4coins.net/api/v1/contact
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- country - string, 2-letters country code,
- email - string,
- family - string, contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
- given - string, contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
- streetaddr - string,
- type - integer, one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; 0=person, 1=company, 2=association, 3=public body, 4=reseller,
- city - string,
- zip - string,
- phone - string,
- brand_number - string,
- fax - string,
- mobile - string,
- orgname - string, the legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
- siren - string,
- state - string, learn more about state codes here (opens new window). For example:
"given": "Katia",
"family": "Zayats",
"orgname": "ears and tail",
"email": "katia@zayats.fr",
"country": "fr",
"city": "paris",
"zip": "75016",
"streetaddr": "6 Villa Chanez",
"phone": "+33656565656",
"type": "0"
- 201 Body application/json object
"id": _contact_id_
# Update a domain contact
Request: PUT https://host4coins.net/api/v1/contact/{contact_id}
Body: application/json object with the following properties:
- country - string, 2-letters country code,
- email - string,
- family - string, contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
- given - string, contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
- streetaddr - string,
- type - integer, one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; 0=person, 1=company, 2=association, 3=public body, 4=reseller,
- city - string,
- zip - string,
- phone - string,
- brand_number - string,
- fax - string,
- mobile - string,
- orgname - string, the legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
- siren - string,
- state - string, learn more about state codes here (opens new window).
# Delete a domain contact
Request: DELETE https://host4coins.net/api/v1/contact/{your_contact_id}
# Get list of your domains
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domains
- 200 Body application/json object
"domains": [
"id": _domain_id_,
"family": _family_,
"description": _description_,
"start_dt": _start_date_,
"end_dt": _expiration_date_,
"status": _running/expired_,
"autorenew": _yes/no_
"total_count": _N_
# Get domain details
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}
- https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/136
- https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/host4coins.best
- 200 Body application/json object
"domain_details": {
"id": _domain_id_,
"family": _family_,
"description": _description_,
"start_dt": _start_date_,
"end_dt": _expiration_date_,
"status": _running/expired_,
"owner_contact": _contact_id_,
"admin_contact": _contact_id_,
"billing_contact": _contact_id_,
"tech_contact": _contact_id_,
"autorenew": _yes/no_,
"domain_details": _domain_details_
"renew_options": "None" or _options_object_,
"autorenew": _possible/impossible_
# LiveDNS management
Route: https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}/livedns
- GET - returns LiveDNS status information for the given domain.
- POST - enable LiveDNS, this route is used to apply the correct LiveDNS nameservers for the given domain. It takes no content. If you want to disable LiveDNS, change the nameservers.
# Nameservers management
Route: https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}/nameservers
- GET - returns the nameservers that are currently set on this domain.
- PUT - change the nameservers that are set on a given domain.
Body and Responses:
# List record types
Returns the list of known record types (A, CNAME, …).
Request: GET https://host4coins.net/api/v1/livedns/rrtypes
- 200 Body application/json object
"rrtypes": [
"total_count": 21
# Domain's records
- https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}/records
- GET - list records associated with a domain,
- POST - creates a new record,
- PUT - replace the whole zone with new records,
- DELETE - delete all records.
Bodies and Responses:
- the same as Domain's Records of Gandi API (opens new window).
# Domain's records by name
- https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}/records/{record_name}
- GET - list records named {record_name} associated with this domain,
- POST - create a new record whose name is defined by the path,
- PUT - replace all records named {record_name},
- DELETE - delete all records named {record_name}.
Bodies and Responses:
# Domain's records by name and type
- https://host4coins.net/api/v1/domain/{domain_id_or_full_name}/records/{record_name}/{record_type}
- GET - get a single record with its name and type,
- POST - create a new record whose name and type are defined by the path,
- PUT - overwrites a single record with {record_name} and {record_type},
- DELETE - delete record with {record_name} and {record_type}.
Bodies and Responses: